It's a great way to try out new fun things Ascension might have in store. So they only come often and aren't always around. The Seasonal Realms are, as the name implies, Seasonal. Project Ascension also has Seasonal Realms which is where brand new features are tested by the Public, such as Wildcard Mode, Ironman Mode, Draft Mode, and MORE! Ironman Mode Wow Seasonal Realms on Project Ascension More can information about the Features of Ascension can be found at Project Ascension Game Guide All Realms Include: This might be the server for you.Īll realms do contain the ability to Raid, this means even all difficulties such as Flex Raid, Heroic, and the brand-new Mythic Realms. So if you're a new fresh player, or a returning Veteran looking for a more PvE Oriented Realm. There's still like I said, Battlegrounds, WPvP, and Arenas that exist in Kil'Jaeden. Since Kil'Jaeden is a more PvE focused realm, you'll often find plenty of PvE guilds. In Area 52 there were High Risk versions of quests such as, "Keeping Evil at Bay", "A Lesser Known Issue", and "Adventurer's Contract" which would provide more rewards than the original versions. Some quests from the Call Board will not exist due to no High Risk.

Kil'Jaeden does not have the risk of losing gear. While Kil'Jaeden still has certain PvP events and quests such as the Siege quests from the Call Board. Originally called Andorhal, Kil'Jaeden is a pure No-Risk realm(often referred as Low-Risk to.) So if you're a new guy looking for a fresh server or a returning veteran, this is the realm for you! As of right now () there's no special things about Magtheridon other than it being fresh. It's pretty much similar to Area 52, and anything you'd like to know about it's features can be learned from Area 52 along with it. Magtheridon is a fresh new server, started recently after the release of TBC, like Area 52 it has the Hybrid Risk system. More Features can be learned at Project Ascension Game Guide, It'll have information such as Mystic Enchants, Unique Game Modes, and more! Where you can potentially lose gear in it. PvP in Area 52 goes even as far as High Risk Battlegrounds and Arenas. Which you can learn more about in the following video, at 6:55. You'll be able to find them in outlands at level 70.

With the addition of TBC, There's been announcement about new PvP events which have yet to come. In order to do them, you need at least a certain amount of gear from Normal Dungeons before heading into combat with the HC Dungeons. Heroic Dungeons are filled with stronger and more formidable versions of previous dungeons. Additionally, when you're at level 70, you can gather reputation in order to unlock Heroic Dungeons. There's more to the High Risk world of Area 52 and if you'd like to learn about it, you can check it out hereĪs for the PvE content, Area 52 does infact have things such as the Random Dungeon Finder, with that you can find a group to venture your way into any dungeon without having to go looking for the entrance. You can turn in most daily quests at the Call Board in any majoring City. There can be things such as Sieging another Capital City, meaning, if your Horde you can slay the King of the Alliance Varian, or if your alliance, you can take down the Banshee Queen herself! and be rewarded greatly. While in No Risk, you have the inability to lose gear, so you can freely pvp in the world safely, or whatever it is you want to do without having to worry about your gear.Īlong with the Hybrid Risk System, Area 52 does have Daily Quests, which can be either PvP or PvE depending on the quest. When in High Risk, you can pvp in world and steal others gear, or have your gear stolen, because of this, Area 52 has what's known as Bloody Jars, you can check them out at their following link. Which means you can go High Risk or No Risk. Originally named Laughing Skull and Originally named Sargeras before that, Area 52 is a Hybrid Risk realm. Pick this is you want to focus on PvE content without Hybrid Risk features like Bloodforged Gear. Pick this if you want to play with more new players and enjoy a more active leveling experience.